Starting Soon: Khôra Salon at 6 EST/3 PST
RSVP for Khôra Salon this Thursday, Sept. 14 at 3 PST / 6 EST
Welcome to KHÔRA, a dynamic online arts space produced in collaboration with Lidia Yuknavitch’s Corporeal Writing. Visit our Archive to read previous issues. Scroll down if you would like your work to be considered for future issues.
Our next virtual open mic night is tonight at 6 EST/ 3 PST. Khôra Salon is always a phenomenal event! If you haven’t already, register now using this link.
We’ll be back with more beauty soon.
Big love,
Leigh Hopkins
and the Corporeal/KHÔRA squad
Swim around in KHÔRA.
Send us your work!
If you'd like to enter the collaborative open waters of KHÔRA, please send us 500 Words. If you’re a visual artist interested in submitting artwork or images, click here.
When you send us 500 Words, your words will always remain active in KHÔRA’s ocean. You won’t ever receive a notice of rejection from us. We know this process is not perfect—we are rethinking and searching, and we wish to stay open to the possibility that at any point, your work will be a fit for a curated issue or team-collaboration. This doesn’t need to be a completed piece—think of it like a sample of your work at any length up to 500 words.
Once you send 500 Words, your work will remain in our inclusive and expansive space.