Scarification | New essay by Nell Smith
"I kneel with the memory of your warm hand on my skin and unsown lands spread in my imagination..."
Welcome to Khôra, a dynamic online arts space produced in collaboration with Lidia Yuknavitch’s Corporeal Writing. Visit our Archive to read previous issues.
Do you have more in your inbox than you can read in a day? Us too. In this Special Edition, we’ll send you 1 - 2 pieces a week, rather than an entire issue all at once. If you’d like to be considered for future publications, scroll down to learn more about Khôra’s 500 Words and Khôra’s Images.
Today we’re back with Scarification, a new essay and photograph by writer and field biologist Nell Smith:
Scarification by Nell Smith | Artwork by Nell Smith
Seeing you now, after an absence that had seemed indefinite, I don’t know what to do with my hands. Bare and creased with soil, I hook them into my pockets so they don’t hang at my side like dumb rocks. The space between us grows thick with questions.
All summer, crowds have come to the canyon in steady currents, yet I’ve only felt small and solitary; deeply rooted is that particular form of loneliness that blooms in company. I kneel with the memory of your warm hand on my skin and unsown lands spread in my imagination. Every day I water and weed and watch the light change across striated stone blotted with juniper and cliff rose; formations I can put names to…
Read Scarification.
Featured writer Nell Smith is a writer and field biologist based in Arizona. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and Environment & Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming, and her writing has been published in both literary and scholarly publications. Her current project is a multigenre collection exploring the personal and environmental negotiations of love and belonging, excerpts of which have appeared or are forthcoming in Electric Literature, Southeast Review, Camas, Pidgeonholes, Flyway, and elsewhere. She works to cultivate reciprocal relationships between the arts and sciences, and can be found at
Artists and Writers
To enter Khôra’s collaborative waters:
Writers, read about Khôra’s 500 Words here.
Artists, send your artwork to Khôra's Images here.
Many thanks to all of you who have sent us work. Your words/images will always remain active in Khôra's ocean, and you won’t ever receive a notice of rejection from us. We know this process is not perfect; we wish to stay open to the possibility that at any point, your work will be a fit for a curated issue or team collaboration.
If you love what you’re seeing, please subscribe, share, tweet, retweet, and post, and Khôra will be back next week.
With galactic gratitude,
Leigh Hopkins
and the Corporeal/Khôra squad